Do you truly have unique intuitive gifts, special insights and unusual acumen when it comes to predicting the future? Have you ever had an extraordinary experience you simply couldn't explain away using conventional means?
Do you occasionally feel different than those around you? In this article we are going to take a quick and insightful look at common psychic abilities....and the experiences that suggest you may have more natural ability, than you recognize! Care to know more? Great...check out our short psychic checklist below!
Filed Under: Definite Deja Vu
Do you feel like you have been places you've never seem....even though you KNOW, you have never physically visited them before? A sense of "knowing" or deja vu, is a sure shot sign that your intuition is elevated, and some argue....a sign that you are actually remembering latent memories of a past life.
Alternatively....if you don't "buy" the past life theory, others believe that someone with a very heightened sense of psychic intuition picks up on place memories, or the psychic energy that emanates from the people, places and things that occupy a you the appearance of a memory that you really never had. (but your intuition perceives anyway)
Many psychics who practice psychometry, for example (the reading of physical objects often seen in crime solving cases) believe that everything has an energetic imprint, and being able to pick that up is an easy thing to do if you've got the gift!
Filed Under: You Feel a Particular "Pull" to the Paranormal
The truth? People who are pre-disposed to psychic energy are often interested, and active in other paranormal subjects. Be it an interest in ghost hunting, near death experiences, reincarnation, psychic mediums, or simply participating in lots of personal psychic readings, the simple truth is that the more of these experiences you have, the more you "open up" your own latent psychic skill set to boot! Need an example?
Many people who have HAD a near death experience, for instance, are documented to become more psychic or naturally intuitive when they "return". Science certainly can't explain it a subtle change in the brain, or simply a "gift" from above like most of us believe, the truth happens! (and is documented in hundreds of studies, books and research papers to boot!)
The bottom line is this...
Taking an active participation in the psychic "universe" is a proven path to cultivating your OWN psychic skills and abilities. Reading books, getting psychic readings on your own, and even checking out articles like this one is a simple, but super powerful way to turn UP the volume on your own psychic skills, all while having a ton of fun, and exploring the real magic and mystery of life to boot!
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